A Peep Into My Thoughts!

Find my thoughts on cricket, poetry, politics and a lot more..

Friday, June 07, 2013

An identity that has no name!

What we share cannot be restricted to the confines of a name..
A name might not do just to what we are..
They might search for different meanings..
They might give it different names..
What we share might be restricted to the confines of what they name..

What we share is boundless, and that boundless binds us together..
We know no boundaries when together but to the world we may not be together..
For the world may restrict us by drawing boundaries..
What we share is boundless and their boundaries might not bind us anymore..

What we share is chaste but to the world it might not be true..
They have their own dogmas that are being thrust on us..
It was they who said that the heart has its own reasons of which the reason knows nothing
It is them who are asking for reasons now..
What we share is chaste but for this false world which is anything but true..

What we share need not be shared with them..
They who look to lay definitions to everything know not what we know..
To them, we can never be one but remain two..
We know we are one and would remain true..
But perhaps with a longing of acceptance..
Or maybe without it too.. We are happy to remain so..
An identity that has no name!

- I've a name but we don't have one together..We would still go on.. Like they say.. What's in a name?