A Peep Into My Thoughts!

Find my thoughts on cricket, poetry, politics and a lot more..

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

It's better to have loved and lost...

New academic session, new classes and a new girl joined our school,
How can I forget those silly moments when every new-comer was made to look a fool..
The increased study hours, the haste to complete notes, I kept dreaming of handing them over to start friendship on a good note..
The urge to be her seat-mate, the feeling of being with her, the lil' crazy moments when I hid to scare her..

Be it "FLAMES" or a few numerological tests,
The more I think about them now, the more hilarious it gets..
The way we used to carve our desks with the names of our puppy love(s),
The way we used to tell our best friends, "Ohh yes, I am in love!"

Staring at her during prayers in school, Chasing her all the way after school..
Never did we hate our Sundays this much, Never did we lament a holiday this much,
Was it love or was it not? We just wanted to be back at school..

The group leaders we cajoled, the new friends we made..
We made sure that our pair was made,
The dream of holding her hand and dancing with her,
The mistakes we kept making just to keep feeling her..
The function finally arrived and tension crept in,
She was busy performing and I kept on dreaming,
We bagged the first prize and she hugged her boy,
I was running high fever and shivering in joy..

One fine day, I told her about me. She shied away and smiled at me,
The wait got longer and it all looked bizarre..
And then she came to me, saying, "I'm yours and mine you're"..

The end of anxiety saw the beginning of excitement,
No points for guessing that music was our prime entertainment,
The Ricky Martins were gone, The Enriques were on..
Time for a change we said.. Time now we changed, we said..
The unnecessary shave we went for, the costly deodarants we put on,
The cute cards we looked for and the money-making, non-existent xerox we went for..
The desperation of being the first one on her b'days to wish,
To the dreams of staying together in bliss..

The love was blindening, the joys were deafening,
The heights attained seemed so enthralling but the thought of fall was frightening..
The days were getting over, the long vacation drew itself closer,
A quick glance, a short goodbye,
A misty smile is what I managed in that shortwhile..
Every rise has a fall, every cruiser comes to a crawl..
Our Spring was coming to an end,
An Autumn is what the Almighty had suddenly sent..

The calendar kept rolling and the day had to come,
The feeling's sinking in and I was going numb..
Our school re-opened and my eyes searched for her,
The silence grew longer and the clock ticked slower..
I finally saw the little steps making their way,
I was all smiles and you were just so grey,
The vacation had ended but the problems grew,
Your indifference was a bolt from the blue.
The lil' scare had finally grown huge,
The fear of losing had me bemused..

I searched for darkness in darkness,
Dark had gotten life and I seeked darkness even then, perhaps to hide my life..
Once my life was vested in you and now I am running out of life,
Or wait, is it you running out of my life..

P.S: I've tried to keep it as schoolish as I could, Light emotions if dealt with heavy metallic words might just have spoilt the mood. Don't kill me for terminating the love story in the end... Special thanks to Nishant Sir who has generously helped me with some good research on puppy love/teen love/school love. Thanks for being there, Sir. I hope you guys relate to this, Comments welcome!


  1. Awww!!! Dat was so cute...

    Not all stories end happily...Smile dat it happened rather dan crying over it's loss.. :)

  2. Shirsh, it is too sugary, although I liked ur expressions. Maybe you are too involved in getting the rhyming right. Apart from a few grammatical errors, it is another tremendous effort. I can feel ur pain and ur passion.

  3. Ohh man!!
    I was smiling all the way..breathtakin it was!
    You should ask ur markettin dept. to sell this to some band man..u'll make millions!!

  4. listen dude... m not a critic to take out any mistakes.. but i really felt it... was so nice..:)

  5. lol !!! i was there ...right there when these incidents took place....

    boy.....few can jot down like....i am proud u do remember every bit of it...
    and yet u r happy to share it ... :)

  6. soul-touching..well portrayed cherishred moments of first love...although it doesnt end happily...but it still lingers in ur heart all ur life..nice post...4 a moment..i was drifted to my very own school days...lovely:)

  7. Hmmmmmmmm am trying to
    induce that piece into mah lifestyle

  8. no mistake at all.....u hav used d r8 wrds 2 express d r8 feelings at d r8 tym.....really likd it....u hav xpresd wat xactly a schl-goin guy feels in his 1st crush..or u can say infactuation....or in more serious sense..lov.....bt hey des incidents r soo realistic..either ur a real observer of evry minute things..or it appears dat its all ur personal experience...watever it may b...bt its really nice....unlike a typical film..endin wid a sad note..bt anywayz its "picturization tym" was marvellous.....jst got back 2 schl dayz..n tryin 2 recall who all ppl did sch things..he he

  9. Sheer nostalgia is all I can say...I hope u hv managed well to bring back fond memories of school days of many.And puppy love although has no base but it always kinda stuck in ur heart n cute.Basically it is the detailing of the school life n LOVE that will draw the readers attention for sure.so NOSTALGIC is the word.

  10. was nice shirsh...just as a viewer it was nice and touched my heart. better than the last one...just that with time you will also become much better.but u took me back to my school days for a moment..so on that note amazing

  11. absolute FEEL GOOD stuff !!
    near perfect depiction of THOSE days
    with d trademark vivacious SHIRSH TOUCH..brings n impish smile on ur lips dat refuses 2 leave by d time u finish reading..
    "blog dat strikes a chord" taken 2 d next level !
    gud job ..))

  12. Wow...that was seriously brilliant. I could visualise the entire cute little love story. Took me back to our school-days of numerous crushes, infatuations n the mistaken notion of ''being in love''.It was absolutely heartfelt n the rhyming was superb. Great effort. Keep it up :)

  13. I m sure thr r ppl amongst us who r better at their English, ppl who can delineate better plots, ppl who excel better in poetry...But then, u luk at them simultaneously, I m doubly sure, u will run out of options...

  14. Shirish.. U never mentioned how u saw the next gal.. The other one who joined the following year.. C'mon yaar.. don't tell me u were sticking to the same memory for over a year.. Not u yaar.. C'mon yaar..

  15. aawww..dat was really sweet..i hope u actually identify with it!!!it was great to see the new side of you!!!

  16. AHEM!
    I do presume, you have taken this new-found profession seriously. I will be as honest as I can and I think I must.

    Maybe its my reading so many similar poems (especially down here), or something cliched about the topic itself, which makes me say I found it very mediocre till the 7 stanza. The portrayal of emotions in and after it sound different from the entire poem itself, as if they belong to another piece of work.
    I do understand that you intended to recreate the golden days at school, which explains the overtly simple language. But that's not the problem at all. An article or a poem's worth is measured by the ideas that the author puts in rather than the bland stating of facts. In fact, simpler the language, the better. It gets good after the seventh stanza because you have portrayed the emotions with some skill, not just facts about school life.
    I hope it I wasn't too harsh, and pray that my comments shall be of some help to you! Good luck! Keep writing!

  17. hey dat was cute!!!!u made me go back 2 my school days....remember all those crushes misinterpreted 2 b 'love'...

  18. a very nostalgic piece of writing,dude..m sure it will make evry1 miss their scul days(as u call it puppy love stories) even more..!!!
    a written form of d movie "MP3"..
    cute one..!!
    loved it all d more....!!!
    kudos to u...!!! keep d good work up..!!

  19. Puppy love.. yes puppy love.. you are very true when you say that all this was puppy love. For that is the purest kind of love and so is your poem. Pure, sincere and warm. Takes me back to my school days. Nostalgia and love always make a heady combination. Beautiful poem. keep them coming.!!

  20. sala...tui commentary char...lath mar cricbuzz ke and go for literary things..man u r stunning us all...and the poem is grt..always leaving a abrupt conclusion...which is grt....i love it..keep on with the good work bro..and by the way tera picture bhi accha hai...accha actor ki mafik pose de raha tu..sabash bhai....

  21. Whoa!! Just when I thought u cudn't possibly outdo u're previous effort...u go ahead n do just that! u sent me back to those good ol' days man...

  22. Definitely helps the mind drift, drift back to the old days
    When we laughed and cried
    For reasons unexplained

    Those were the times which we crave
    The potpourri of emotions
    Which sometimes found a place to rest
    To our utmost disbelief that it could happen

    I think you have done a great job on this one... bringing back the very quintessential "bachpan" that we all miss so much ! :)

  23. oo cho chweet.. chocolovey candyboy

    P.S. Great read but can't you write shorter poems :P

  24. hey..dat ws fantastic.whoz d gal?i mean..who are the girls?im sure this is not abt one girl..but everytime u feel this way..u feel this is the one!! he he!gud goin! kp it up! n jus bcoz i dont post comments doesnt mean im nt readn!!cheers!

  25. its really awesom....
    its alwz bettr 2 hav loved nd lost than nevr loved at all
    gr8 piece of writing...keep writin...m waitin 4 d nxt 1

  26. awww!! that was so mushy!!
    btw which class are u talking about in this blog?? hmmm!!
    how many times did u fall in and out of love during school??
    lol never mind that.
    its theme is prolly smthin everyone can relate to...except ppl from non-coed schools !

  27. NICE MAN.....hey buddy u r surely going to go places....wid dis new luv dat u r in now....ur potrayal of d real certainly borders on being surreal...D deft strokes of imagination has been crafted well wid schoolboyish english...which i thnk is d reason for most to connect to dis poem....I am pretty sure anyone reading dis will instantly relate to dis.....do keep going man.....waiting eagerly for anoder captivating poem.....

  28. Gr8 goin dude.........u
    truly made me relive those wonderful moments back at school.Da words have jst perfectly fitted in.......in short sum wonderful piece of work.Well i hope u keep up da gud writing.All da bst sri....

  29. Well,absolutely sounds like somethng dat touched all our lives,back in our school dez......d dez whn v were psychedelic about "first love" & "latest crush".....d dez whn v secretly wanted 2 act as the contributing factors in helping d person we "loved" in every small manner we cud......
    u hv penned all these moments down stunningly...carry on,Roy...:-)

  30. it makes me nostalgic.........Your poem is a reminder of the wild effervescence of the of school life-----a passage between innocence and responsibility.......wonderful read.......

  31. fresh n schoolish..candid reading..very cute :)
